10 research outputs found

    Modaaliverbien käyttö oppijansuomessa Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasoilla A2-C2

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    Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään modaaliverbien käytön kehittymistä oppijansuomessa Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasoilla A2-C2. Tutkimuskysymyksiä olivat: (1) Millainen modaaliverbien käyttö on tyypillistä kullekin tutkituista taitotasoista? (2) Miten modaaliverbien käyttö kehittyy Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen tasolta A2 tasolle C2? (3) Mitkä modaaliverbit aiheuttavat suomenoppijoille vaikeuksia ja (4) miten modaaliverbit vaikuttavat suomenoppijoiden viestintäkykyyn? Aineistona käytettiin Oulun yliopiston ICLFI-korpuksesta otettuja tekstejä, joiden kirjoittajat opiskelevat suomea vieraana kielenä ulkomaisissa yliopistoissa. Tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestyttiin kahdella tapaa. Ensinnäkin modaaliverbien käytön kehittymistä tutkittiin DEMfad-mallin mukaisesti frekvenssin, tarkkuuden ja distribuution näkökulmasta. Toiseksi tutkimuksessa pohdittiin kvalitatiivisesti sitä, miten modaaliverbien käyttö vaikuttaa oppijan viestintätaitoihin. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena taustana käytettiin käyttöpohjaisen kieliopin ajatuksia toisen tai vieraan kielen omaksumisesta. Tutkimuksessa huomattiin, että aineiston modaaliverbien käytössä tapahtui kaksi murrosta. Niistä ensimmäinen koski modaaliverbien esiintymäfrekvenssiä ja tapahtui taitotasolta A2 tasolle B siirryttäessä. Tasolla C2 modaaliverbien esiintymäfrekvenssi laski jälleen. Toinen murros koski modaaliverbien tarkkuuden ja distribuution kehitystä ja tapahtui taitotasolla C tultaessa. Tällöin modaaliverbien käyttö muuttui keskeisimpien modaaliverbien osalta kohdekieliseksi sekä varioivaksi. Modaaliverbien käytön variaatio ja tarkkuus olivat verrannollisia taitotason kanssa: mitä ylempää taitotasoa kirjoittaja edusti, sitä varioivampaa ja tarkempaa modaaliverbien käyttö keskimäärin oli. Vastaavaa korrelaatiota ei havaittu esiintymäfrekvenssin ja taitotason välillä. Tutkimuksen perusteella mahdollisuutta ilmaisevien modaaliverbien käyttö aiheuttaa suomenoppijoille enemmän vaikeuksia kuin välttämättömyyttä ilmaisevien. Yleisimpiä ongelmia olivat eri modaaliverbien välisen työnjaon selkeytymättömyys sekä modaaliverbien käyttö kohdekielelle epätyypillisissä konteksteissa. Tutkimus antoi viitteitä sen suuntaan, että ainakin oppijan äidinkielen siirtovaikutus ja tuotettava tekstilaji vaikuttaisivat modaaliverbien käyttöön. Tutkimustulokset poikkesivat modaaliverbien oppimisjärjestyksen puolesta eräistä muista suomea toisena kielenä opiskelevien modaaliverbien käyttöä sivunneiden tutkimusten tuloksista. Tämä antaa viitteitä sen suuntaan, että myös oppimisympäristöllä olisi vaikutusta käytettyihin modaaliverbeihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella modaaliverbien kohdekielinen käyttö parantaa tekstin sidosteisuutta, tehostaa oppijan kykyä ilmaista mielipiteitään sekä parantaa hänen kykyään tuottaa argumentoivia ja akateemisia tekstilajeja. Näin ollen modaaliverbien hallinta on yhteydessä Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen eri taitotasoille asettamiin viestinnällisiin tavoitteisiin

    FinnTransFrame : translating frames in the FinnFrameNet project

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    The article details the formational process of the FinnTransFrame corpus, a part of the FinnFrameNet project. In addition to a large annotated frame semantic corpus of natural language examples, the project created a separate corpus of examples translated from English to Finnish. The research question when creating the FinnTransFrame corpus was to see to what extent the various frames of the original Berkeley FrameNet transfer into Finnish in translated examples, i.e. what are the main problems and how can they be categorized? A variety of Berkeley FrameNet examples were chosen from different frames and then translated by professionals. The FinnFrameNet annotation team checked all the examples and their translations to see if the frames remained intact in translation. Problematic examples were tagged according to the type of the encountered problem, with the main focus on the type of fine-grained mismatches of meaning that caused frame changes even when the translation was the best possible one. The frame-loss amounted to 4.2% of the 88,209 relevant example sentences. Filtering out sentences with other types of problems, we found that 88.1% of all the frame instances still translated into Finnish with their frame intact. In addition, the article analyzes the error types in the problematic frames.Peer reviewe

    FinnFN 1.0: The Finnish frame semantic database

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    The article describes the process of creating a Finnish language FrameNet or FinnFN, based on the original English language FrameNet hosted at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California. We outline the goals and results relating to the FinnFN project and especially to the creation of the FinnFrame corpus. The main aim of the project was to test the universal applicability of frame semantics by annotating real Finnish using the same frames and annotation conventions as in the original Berkeley FrameNet project. From Finnish newspaper corpora, 40,721 sentences were automatically retrieved and manually annotated as example sentences evoking certain frames. This became the FinnFrame corpus. Applying the Berkeley FrameNet annotation conventions to the Finnish language required some modifications due to Finnish morphology, and a convention for annotating individual morphemes within words was introduced for phenomena such as compounding, comparatives and case endings. Various questions about cultural salience across the two languages arose during the project, but problematic situations occurred only in a few examples, which we also discuss in the article. The article shows that, barring a few minor instances, the universality hypothesis of frames is largely confirmed for languages as different as Finnish and English.Peer reviewe

    Dorsal Striatum and Its Limbic Connectivity Mediate Abnormal Anticipatory Reward Processing in Obesity

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    Obesity is characterized by an imbalance in the brain circuits promoting reward seeking and those governing cognitive control. Here we show that the dorsal caudate nucleus and its connections with amygdala, insula and prefrontal cortex contribute to abnormal reward processing in obesity. We measured regional brain glucose uptake in morbidly obese (n = 19) and normal weighted (n = 16) subjects with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia and with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while anticipatory food reward was induced by repeated presentations of appetizing and bland food pictures. First, we found that glucose uptake rate in the dorsal caudate nucleus was higher in obese than in normal-weight subjects. Second, obese subjects showed increased hemodynamic responses in the caudate nucleus while viewing appetizing versus bland foods in fMRI. The caudate also showed elevated task-related functional connectivity with amygdala and insula in the obese versus normal-weight subjects. Finally, obese subjects had smaller responses to appetizing versus bland foods in the dorsolateral and orbitofrontal cortices than did normal-weight subjects, and failure to activate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was correlated with high glucose metabolism in the dorsal caudate nucleus. These findings suggest that enhanced sensitivity to external food cues in obesity may involve abnormal stimulus-response learning and incentive motivation subserved by the dorsal caudate nucleus, which in turn may be due to abnormally high input from the amygdala and insula and dysfunctional inhibitory control by the frontal cortical regions. These functional changes in the responsiveness and interconnectivity of the reward circuit could be a critical mechanism to explain overeating in obesity

    Dorsal Striatum and Its Limbic Connectivity Mediate Abnormal Anticipatory Reward Processing in Obesity

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    Obesity is characterized by an imbalance in the brain circuits promoting reward seeking and those governing cognitive control. Here we show that the dorsal caudate nucleus and its connections with amygdala, insula and prefrontal cortex contribute to abnormal reward processing in obesity. We measured regional brain glucose uptake in morbidly obese (n = 19) and normal weighted (n = 16) subjects with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia and with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while anticipatory food reward was induced by repeated presentations of appetizing and bland food pictures. First, we found that glucose uptake rate in the dorsal caudate nucleus was higher in obese than in normal-weight subjects. Second, obese subjects showed increased hemodynamic responses in the caudate nucleus while viewing appetizing versus bland foods in fMRI. The caudate also showed elevated task-related functional connectivity with amygdala and insula in the obese versus normal-weight subjects. Finally, obese subjects had smaller responses to appetizing versus bland foods in the dorsolateral and orbitofrontal cortices than did normal-weight subjects, and failure to activate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was correlated with high glucose metabolism in the dorsal caudate nucleus. These findings suggest that enhanced sensitivity to external food cues in obesity may involve abnormal stimulus-response learning and incentive motivation subserved by the dorsal caudate nucleus, which in turn may be due to abnormally high input from the amygdala and insula and dysfunctional inhibitory control by the frontal cortical regions. These functional changes in the responsiveness and interconnectivity of the reward circuit could be a critical mechanism to explain overeating in obesity

    A Bayesian reanalysis of the Standard versus Accelerated Initiation of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury (STARRT-AKI) trial

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    Background Timing of initiation of kidney-replacement therapy (KRT) in critically ill patients remains controversial. The Standard versus Accelerated Initiation of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury (STARRT-AKI) trial compared two strategies of KRT initiation (accelerated versus standard) in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury and found neutral results for 90-day all-cause mortality. Probabilistic exploration of the trial endpoints may enable greater understanding of the trial findings. We aimed to perform a reanalysis using a Bayesian framework. Methods We performed a secondary analysis of all 2927 patients randomized in multi-national STARRT-AKI trial, performed at 168 centers in 15 countries. The primary endpoint, 90-day all-cause mortality, was evaluated using hierarchical Bayesian logistic regression. A spectrum of priors includes optimistic, neutral, and pessimistic priors, along with priors informed from earlier clinical trials. Secondary endpoints (KRT-free days and hospital-free days) were assessed using zero–one inflated beta regression. Results The posterior probability of benefit comparing an accelerated versus a standard KRT initiation strategy for the primary endpoint suggested no important difference, regardless of the prior used (absolute difference of 0.13% [95% credible interval [CrI] − 3.30%; 3.40%], − 0.39% [95% CrI − 3.46%; 3.00%], and 0.64% [95% CrI − 2.53%; 3.88%] for neutral, optimistic, and pessimistic priors, respectively). There was a very low probability that the effect size was equal or larger than a consensus-defined minimal clinically important difference. Patients allocated to the accelerated strategy had a lower number of KRT-free days (median absolute difference of − 3.55 days [95% CrI − 6.38; − 0.48]), with a probability that the accelerated strategy was associated with more KRT-free days of 0.008. Hospital-free days were similar between strategies, with the accelerated strategy having a median absolute difference of 0.48 more hospital-free days (95% CrI − 1.87; 2.72) compared with the standard strategy and the probability that the accelerated strategy had more hospital-free days was 0.66. Conclusions In a Bayesian reanalysis of the STARRT-AKI trial, we found very low probability that an accelerated strategy has clinically important benefits compared with the standard strategy. Patients receiving the accelerated strategy probably have fewer days alive and KRT-free. These findings do not support the adoption of an accelerated strategy of KRT initiation